Intro to Yoga
This intro will highlight some basic things you should know before starting a yoga practice. We will cover what you will want to know before coming to class. Information such as appropriate clothing, props, proper alignment and the basic postures will also be covered.
Steps of Care with Yoga
Honor your body and keep a medium level of practice…
For optimal health and benefit keep your practice to a level 5 out of 10. If you feel you are straining or having difficulty breathing slow it down a little. If you have a specific ailment or injury, please speak to your teacher before class so they can recommend modifications for you. While it is common to have sore or stiff muscles and to feel a stretch or muscle burn it is never good to experience pain during your class. If a posture causes you pain please stop and speak to the instructor about it.
Can I, as a beginner, attend any class? Where should I start?
You may want to attend two or three of the Intro or beginners classes to get the fundamentals before attending other classes. Then try Vinyasa Flow, Health Series, Restore, Pranayama or any class that interests you.
How many classes are needed?
Like any physical activity a successful Yoga practice requires consistency and discipline in order to maintain the benefits. For overall transformation, practice 3 – 5 times a week. For cross training or injury prevention, twice a week is suitable. To jumpstart your routine, attend 10 classes in two weeks!
Choosing a class style or teacher
We recommend that you try as many different classes and instructors as you are able. Every Yoga instructor teaches differently, with a unique style and background, and it may take a few classes to find the style and instructor that you resonate with. If you are a beginner, taking the beginner’s class is recommended, but not required. Any class is appropriate for any ability level, as long as you do not push yourself past your ability level. If you are recovering from an injury or illness, a slower class might be more suitable, but it is up to YOU to decide, so come to any and all classes and see what feels right.
Private lessons or classes
Many students ask if they should take private lessons or classes. The answer is dependent on a variety of factors that need to be taken into consideration while making this decision. We recommend that for students who have a severe injury or illness to take private lessons as the lesson can be modified to suit specific needs and address target areas without causing undue stress. Other factors to consider include; your level of comfort taking a class with other people, if you would like specific help to progress in your practice or if your schedule conflicts with our regularly scheduled class times. Otherwise most students should be able to take a regular Yoga class.
Posture modifications
Different teachers have different styles of helping students improve their postures. Some teachers will give verbal ques, others will give physical adjustments. Please talk to your teacher about your preferences for modification. If you are ever uncomfortable with a modification please speak to the teacher about it or bring it up to management.
What should I wear to class?
Gym cloths and bare feet, we recommend clothing that will allow for optimal range of motion while keeping in mind that you will be moving in all directions and how your clothing will move with you. Keep in mind movements that we will be doing, legs in the air on hands and knees etc. women nothing so low cut your chest is exposed and men something formfitting under lose shorts. Avoid wearing perfume, make-up and jewelry. It is a good idea to tie longer hair back away from the face.
Can I eat before class?
Come to class with empty stomach, bowels and bladder….
It is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach or 1-2 hours after you have eaten something so that you are neither hungry nor have a full stomach, in order to prevent stomach aches. Come to class well hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after class. There is water and herbal tea available at the studio. Water bottles are okay in Yoga space but no open cups or containers are allowed.
Should I bring anything?
Bring a water bottle, a towel and a Yoga mat if you have one. We provide complimentary Yoga mats and other Yoga props to assist you in your class. At the beginning of each class your instructor will tell if there are any specific props you should have for class. We ask that if you use one of our Yoga mats to please wipe it down with a provided disinfecting wipe after class, keeping it ready for the next student. For Restore or Yoga Nidra classes, you may want to bring your own blanket.
Yoga Aftercare
After your first few yoga classes we recommend you avoid strenuous activity for at least 1 to 2 hours until you know how your body will respond to the class. It is common to feel sore after a Yoga class until your body adjusts to the movements. It is best to allow your body to integrate the session with minimal stress to allow for optimal effectiveness
Yoga hygiene
It is a traditional to practice yoga when you are fully showered. Because there are a lot of deep breathing techniques practiced in class it may be advisable for people with nasal congestion to use a neti pot or nasal irrigation before class. Many students often prefer to brush their teeth and to wash their hands and feet before class.
What are the benefits of yoga?
Whatever your age or physical condition, yoga can help you vastly improve the quality of your life and health. The word “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit, meaning to yoke or union, to unite, to make whole. Yoga incorporates mental and physical processes to unify all aspects of a human being.
What guidelines should I follow when I practice yoga?
Respect pain. Pay close attention to your body’s innate feedback system. Distinguish between the discomfort of moving a stiff body and pain caused by overdoing or excessive demand on a joint. Sudden or severe pain is a warning. Most postures can be modified; JUST ASK!
Balance work and rest. Yoga is about building energy. Balance your power yoga workouts with some restore classes.
Breathe properly. Without fully expanding your lungs, the muscles you are exercising cannot be adequately supplied with oxygen.
Talking advised during class?
We love questions and love interacting with our students. However, please keep banter to a minimum to maintain a quiet atmosphere. Questions are always welcome and appreciated. Socializing should be done before or after class.
Is a Yoga practice challenging for a physically fit person
No matter what condition you are in, Yoga is a great way to enhance or surpass your current fitness level. Some classes are more strenuous and some are more relaxing. Choose a class that fits your needs for that day. Most importantly remember that this is YOUR practice. Honor your body, listen to your breath and rest when needed.
Basic etiquette is an expression of the fundamental premise of Yoga. It’s a great practice of developing awareness of your world and of those that are sharing it with you. The following suggestions are designed to help us all experience more spaciousness and friendliness toward ourselves, each other and our environment.
Check in
We prefer that you signup online and offer in house reward points to those who do. If not, sign in and check in at least 10-15 minutes before class begins. Extend your practice by being conscious of your responsibility to the staff who are taking care of a lot of people, phones, money as well as assisting you any way they can.
Shoes and Cell phones
Make sure you leave your shoes in the shoe racks and turn off your cell phone. Please do not use your cell phone unless you are in the reception area.
Be on time
Please be seated in the classroom a few minutes before the start of class. Each class is organized with a beginning, middle and end, all of which contribute to your experience. If you come in late, not only will you miss something but you will disrupt the class experience for someone else.
Leaving early
Though we hope you will plan to stay for the entire class, if you absolutely have to leave early, be sure to leave quietly enough to avoid disturbing others, especially once the general Savasana has begun.
Please return all props to their appropriate place at the end of the class. Blankets need to be refolded to their original and blocks should be arranged on the shelves alongside other blocks. Straps should be rewound into a palm-sized spiral and placed in the strap basket. Eye pillows should be replaced in the eye-pillow basket and eye-pillow tissues put in the garbage.
Noise control
Please be aware that the studio shares a space with the acupuncture clinic. Please keep your conversational volume on low or conduct them in the reception area.