Acupoints to defeat Seasonal Allergies -by Alethea Jones, L.Ac
BL-2, Gathered Bamboo, found in the depression on the inner edge of the brow, is often sensitive to pressure, especially if allergies and congestion plague our sinus’. This point is excellent to massage when feeling sensitive to the changing spring winds and with a frontal headache. Gently massaging this point will also benefit in stopping nosebleeds, rhinitis, and sneezing.
LI-20, Welcome Fragrance, is often irritated by the pollen associated with springtime blooms. Massaging this point in a circular motion away from the nose can help alleviate nasal congestion, swelling, and dryness. Children suffering for congestion and allergies affecting the face especially benefit from stimulating this point and massaging both toward the nose and away from the nose.
St 3, Great Crevice, is located at the base of the cheek bones. This point serves to support LI-20 and BL-2 in action of alleviating headache, sinus, and nasal congestion. ST-3 also benefits to calm swelling and pain in the cheek, lips, and gums.
Combining these three points, BL-2, LI-20, ST-3, we can effectively loosen nasal and sinus congestion and benefit focus, energy, and the skins complexion! These points form a cohesive treatment; breaking congested areas, increasing blood circulation to the face, brightening the eyes, and lifting the skin of the brows and cheekbones. I like to deliver a light pinching massage method when working with these points. Using the index finger and thumb, begin at BL-2 and gently pinch along the brow. After pinching along the eyebrow, employ the same light pinching to the cheeks, starting at ST-3 and moving along the inner and outer edges of the cheek bone. To complete this simple routine, and fully open the sinus-ways while enhancing facial tissue circulation trace the index and middle fingers gently from LI-20 at the sides of the nose, to St-3 at the base of the cheek bone, up to the temples and over the forehead, dipping down the midline of the face to UB-2 and continuing past and thru to LI-20. If you like, stop at each point mentioned and complete a couple small circles or a couple gentle pinches before moving to the next. Repeat this motion a few times.
LI-4 and LV-3 work symbiotically to increase circulation in the body, while reducing inflammation and irritation. Together these points are known as the Four Gates and are some of the most commonly used acupuncture point combinations in clinic to this day. LI-4 is the single most important point along the body to treat all things related to the face and sensory organs. It is said that LI-4 contains an abundance of life force (blood) and energy (qi) and that Lv-3 is the greatest to spread these and balance the life force and energy in the body. So, if you’re feeling at all stuck, physically or emotionally, these are the points to stimulate!