Astrology with Alethea
Easter is followed by the Full Paschal Moon, which occurs Saturday March 31st in the sign of Libra. This is a time of balance and rebirth as we move into the lively spring months ahead. With any rebirthing, there is the struggle to release all that has been and move forward into the unknown. This can be a cathartic process for many. And with the current astrological omens, the pains of rebirth, and the challenges to find balance, may be amplified this past week and the weeks ahead.
This Paschal Full Moon, the Full Pink Moon is the 2nd and last Blue Moon of the year 2018. As noted in last month’s newsletter, this double blue moon within the first 3 months of a year only occurs 4-5 times every 100 years. Making this 2018’s display of Super Moons, Lunar Eclipse’s and double Blue Moons an opportunity to work deep within our own subconscious. This opportunity seems to come every 20-25 years in a lifetime. Working in clinic, I’ve been blessed to witness numerous people feeling the compression and stress as we move thru this current rebirthing phase. Know that you are not alone in this, the world seems to teeter between what has been and what will be. Interestingly enough, in the northern hemisphere, the last Paschal Moon to illuminate directly Easter Day was in the year 1646; the last alignment over Europe and Eurasia was in 1714. Certainly, this Paschal-Easter alignment is one felt rarely throughout time, potentially amplifying the collective rebirthing crisis.
Some of the challenges which may be witnessed or felt are related to communication and technology. With Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, gone retrograde from March 22-April 15th , in the house of Aries, this is not the time to begin new projects or to initiate new plans. We instead asked to practice greater awareness, patience, mindfulness, and restraint. This is an excellent time for spring cleaning of self and surroundings that’s has been placed on the proverbial back burner. Take care to retain that mindful patience when completing old tasks. The current mars-sun-earth square, and the recent solar flairs, may elicit greater fire from our depth. This fire is a great energy, masculine in nature, and fueled with the desire to get things done…NOW. Again, create the moment to practice awareness and restraint to simply charging ahead. With Mercury retrograde, connecting with community and nature are always an amplified reward and may assist in having those ‘ah-ha!’ Moments as we find ways to integrate the newness within this rebirthing phase.
Just as a new mother in labor for the first time, a new father to be, we may bump up against blockages and obstacles with Mars conjunct Saturn. It’s an opportunity to delve into just what this rebirthing period looks like for us individually and within our social structures of family, work, and play.
‘What do we need to commit more time and resources to? What isn’t worth our precious time? What are our underlying goals? What do we need to get into, or out of, to have more fun? How do we pull more fun into our world? How do I attain all that I want?’
Take the time to ask yourself these questions. And enjoy the process of rebirth.